Crawling Valley
Campground started in 1983 when a few visionary members of the Bassano
Community created the Crawling Valley Recreation Society and with a provincial
grant for Recreation in the Province, created the original Crawling Valley
Campground. None of this could have happened without the support of the County
of Newell No.4 (who leased the land from the EID) and the Eastern Irrigation
District stake holders and the countless volunteers. These volunteers, built
campsites, fire pits, tables, planted trees, etc.
In recent years the Crawling Valley Recreation Society have added a playground, shower building and shop to the existing office.
In the last 3 years the Eastern Irrigation District has instilled hundreds of thousands of dollars into a fabulous Marina and the renovation of 2 sections of the campground, adding power, underground sprinklers & trees for shelter belts and a beach was added to the campground.
Today the Crawling Valley Recreation Society board continue to work on your behalf to make Crawling Valley Campground the very best camping and fishing destination in South Eastern Alberta.
In 2018, the EID started a mandatory Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program. All boaters wishing to access EID reservoirs, including Crawling Valley Reservoir, must check in with the campground office prior to launching to complete a watercraft information and commitment form stating they will not knowingly spread aquatic invasive species. As part of the program, trailered watercraft must only be launched from approved boat launches while non-trailered watercraft can be launched at random locations, but are still required to check in with the campground office prior to launching.
WATERCRAFTS INCLUDE: motorized (boats, sailboats, zodiacs, etc.) and non-motorized (canoes, kayaks (adult/kid kayaks), paddleboards, sailboats, etc.)
Eastern Irrigation District Access Policy
The Eastern Irrigation District (EID) owns approximately 600,000 acres of land within the County of Newell including thirteen irrigation reservoirs. This land base is vital to the overall operations of the District as it supports water storage & conveyance, cattle grazing, industrial development, research activities, provides a diverse range of habitat for wildlife and when possible allows public recreational opportunities. To help mitigate potential problems and protect EID lands while still allowing public use, the District has adopted a policy to manage public access.
As outlined in the Access Policy camping is not permitted on EID lands unless in an official campground. The official campgrounds on EID land are Rolling Hills Reservoir Campground, Crawling Valley Campground, and Kinbrook Island Provincial Park - Group Use Area only. Overnight camping is also not permitted in watercraft anchored on or to EID lands or EID reservoirs, or pulled ashore on EID lands adjacent to EID reservoirs.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Eastern Irrigation District at (403) 362-1400 or visit